Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Pretty in Pink

This last Sunday when we got home from church Anna went straight upstairs to change her clothes. After about 15 minutes Chris and I were starting to wonder whether or not we needed to go upstairs and see if she was o.k. when who did appear it was our sweet little Anna all dressed in pink. She had gone upstairs and found a pair of pink tights, pink skirt, pink shirt, and her pink gym shoes. (Can you guess what her favorite color is?) She was so proud of herself, and even commented how well she matched. I can't believe how independent she has become lately, wanting to comb her own hair, brush her own teeth and even make her own bed. Our little Anna is growing up too fast it makes me so sad.


Kelli said...

Hey Shelly,
I just found your blog!
It looks like your family is doing good. Your kids are so cute and getting way too big. I think of your family often and hope you are doing well.

Mark and Kory Hawk said...

She certainly does look pretty in pink. At least she's got the color scheme going on. Madison still doesn't get the whole matching thing.

Kelly Ledward said...

She is so cute! I love the shoes! Doesn't she just make you smile?