Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Happy St. Patricks day

I know it is a little late, but I had to post these pictures. On St. Patrick's day, we had a little leprechaun visit our house. He never showed himself but he left some pretty obvious tracks so the kids knew he had been there. The kids had so much fun finding all of the green tracks and it was fun to hear where they thought he came from.

After the kids had taken a bath and we were getting ready for bed, dad called them down stairs to see what he had found. The leprechaun had left a little surprise for them. A piece of his gold. WOW did they feel lucky!!!!!!!!!!!


Julie said...

I think that it is so cute that you did that! THat is an awesome memory and tradition for them!

Kelly Ledward said...

What a cute idea! You guys are such fun parents!

The Burke Family said...

Hey Shelly how are guys doing? I can't believe how times flys! I was passing through one of my friends blog and saw you on there! Your kids are absolutely adorable!!! I will have to add you to my blog!! Look forward to spying on your fam. J/K Talk to you later!